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$220.00 $202.40


Up to 3 days for dispatch

The Argonaut Dive knives are designed to be one of our best and toughest knives. The butt, handle, hilt and blade are all fashioned out of one piece of 4mm thick titanium. Then coated in black EDP, sharpened and laser etched.

The handle is then wrapped, twice, in 5mm paracord and tied off with a 5” (12.7cm) leash. 2mm thick Kydex plastic is then heated and thermoformed around the knife to make the sheath. 1/8” (3.2mm) grommets are inserted and the excess material is removed with a heat knife.

The final stage is laser etching a subtle Aqua Lung logo on one side of the sheath. The blade comes to a blunt chisel like tip. One full side of the Blunt blade is die cut with rounded serrations.

The handles are wrapped 1/2” (12.5mm) from the hilt to provide a spot for the forefinger and extra grip for the sheath. The butt of the handle features a sharp tactical tool and the skeleton holes in the handle are hex wrenches for emergency situations.

  • Blade and Handle are made of 4mm thick, high rust resistant Titanium.
  • The handle is double wrapped in 5mm paracord.
  • The blade is 4 7/8” (12.38cm) long and the handle is 4 7/8” (12.38cm)
  • The butt of the handle comes to a point for hammering, braking and crushing.
  • The sheath is a locking 2mm thick Kydex with 1/8” grommets. The strap holes are 1” (2.5cm) long and 1/4” (.65cm) wide.
  • Comes with 2 rubber leg straps.

The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
1/49 Peninsula Ave
Rye Victoria 3941, Australia
Commonwealth Coat of Arms
We accept Purchase Orders from Government Departments & Schools
P +613 5985 1700
E [email protected]
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