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Slim And Accessible IntelligenceAn easy-to-use entry-level computer capable of demanding dives, Veo 4.0 is sleek, slim, and packed with features. Bluetooth technology connects any mobile device to the free DiverLog+ App so you can track, manage and share all your dive data on the go pre- and post-dive. Includes Oceanic’s patented Dual Algorithm™ with 4 operating modes, larger digit size, and a 20% slimmer profile so you’re comfortable while exploring the underwater world.Connect With the Diverlog+ AppVeo_4.0 connects_your mobile device to the_DiverLog+ App, available_for free_in the app store. Divers can_adjust_the_dual Nitrox mixes, switch the Dual Algorithm™, gas mixes, user display,_alarms, all on the go pre- and post-dive.Pre-Dive: plan your dive with alerts for time and depth, select your gas mixes from the comfort of your mobile device, and more!Post-Dive: download your dive instantly to your mobile device, view your most recent dive profile and information, add photos and videos, and use the search query to filter by location, dive type, depth, and more!Slim DesignVeo 4.0 is designed with_a 20%_slimmer_profile to ensure you experience nothing but ultimate comfort during every dive, so you can stay focused on exploring the underwater world.Choose The Right Algorithm For Your DiveOceanic’s patented Dual Algorithm™ lets you choose the decompression algorithm that best suits your diving needs without compromising safety. Adjust between DSAT or Pelagic Z+ to provide no-deco and deco profiles, adjustable through the DiverLog+ App.Larger Digit SizeVeo_4.0 features a_larger, wider font size and crisper, easy-to-read digits, making it among the clearest wrist and console computers on the market.Paired with the Oceanic Slimline SPG and Sidescan Compass in a durable rubber boot. Everything you need in a Great Navcon!

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The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
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