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Spearfishing Knives show info...
You will need to carry a dive knife with you every time that you go spearfishing. The Scuba Doctor stocks a range of quality spearfishing knives but, like anything, you get what you pay for. A cheaper dive knife will often become blunt and rust quite quickly! It is a good idea to budget $50-$70 for a high-quality spearfishing knife that will last you a lifetime.
A pointed tip, dagger style knife is perfect for spearfishing as the pointed tip makes it easy to spike your fish. Most spearfishing knives have a smoothly sharpened blade for slicing fish for burly, and a serrated edge for cutting through ropes. It is also important to consider how the dive knife is strapped to you, and how it can be taken out for use.
Dispatch Your Prey Efficiently with a Reliable Spearfishing Knife
Every diver needs to carry at least one knife with them when spearfishing. It's a good idea to carry an extra knife since a fish could easily knock your blade out of your hand. Spearos use their knife to dispatch their prey, gut the fish, and slice the catch for burley. A spearfishing knife is also a life-saving tool if you get wrapped up in your line after trying to catch a fast-moving fish. It could also get you out of a bind so you can cut the line. On top of that, it can serve as a "tank-knocker" if you need to get your dive buddy's attention.
Unlike larger, standard dive knives that mount to your buoyancy compensator, a spearfishing dive knife attaches to your arm, calf, or weight belt. Choose an extra blade with a pointed tip so that you can spike your fish efficiently, a sharpened blade for slicing, and a serrated edge so you can cut through ropes with ease.
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Mac Coltellerie Shark 9 Apnea Knife - Pointed Tip

Mac Coltellerie Torpedo 11 BE Knife - Pointed Tip - Yellow

Salvimar Predathor Knife | Orange

Mac Coltellerie Apnea 9 BE Knife with Lanyard - Point Tip

Mac Coltellerie Shark 9 Knife - Pointed Tip - Black

Mac Coltellerie Shark 9 Knife with Lanyard - Pointed Tip - Black

Tusa FK-10 Point Tip Diving Mini-Knife - Fluro Yellow (FY)

Mares Hero Polygon Short Knife

Mac Coltellerie Apnea 9 BE Knife w Spearing Trim-Point Tip

Mac Coltellerie Sub 11 D Green Camo Knife with Lanyard-Pointed

Ocean Design Apollo SQR 50HRC Titanium Knife - Point Tip

Mac Coltellerie Apnea 9 Carbon Knife - Pointed Tip

Sonar Abalone Tool with Rope Cutter and Axe Edges

Cressi Abalone Tool

Sonar Abalone Tool Pro with Square/Blunt Edges

Ocean Hunter Assassin Knife

Ocean Design Predator SQR 420 SS Dive Knife - Pointed Tip

Ocean Design Apollo SQR 36HRC Titanium Dive Knife - Pointed Tip

Ocean Design Apollo SQR 420 SS GB Dive Knife - Point Tip

Mares Hero Polygon Knife

Tusa FK-14 Point Tip Titanium Diving Mini-Knife - Metallic Dark

Cressi Norge Compact Knife - Pointed Tip
Max: 2Discontinued

Blue Explorer Black Hawke Knife - Pointed Tip

Tusa FK-14 Point Tip Titanium Diving Mini-Knife - Metallic Silve