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Miflex Gauges show info...

Diving instruments are essential for a diver to be aware of vital information such as tank pressure and depth. The Scuba Doctor dive shop offers a range of Miflex recreational and technical guages to suit all levels. From the basic SPGs and consoles to the more advanced technical SPGs, we are confidant you will find the gauge to suit your needs in our range at everyday low prices.

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Miflex Hoses
Miflex Tech Brass Snap SPG White Face - 300 Bar
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Analogue Gauges

Miflex Tech Brass Snap SPG White Face - 300 Bar

The Miflex White Faced 52 mm diameter Slim Brass Tech Snap Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) is in a nickel plated solid brass housing with extremely...
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Tech Brass and Glass SPG Black Face - 300 bar
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Analogue Gauges

Miflex Tech Brass and Glass SPG Black Face - 300 bar

The Miflex Tech Brass and Glass SPG Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) with Black Face is a compact and robust cylinder pressure gauge, which provides...
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Thin-Line Brass SPG - 300 bar
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Analogue Gauges

Miflex Thin-Line Brass SPG - 300 bar

The Miflex Thin-Line Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) is an extremely compact cylinder pressure gauge incorporating a safety-pin-type tube and a gear...
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Tech SPG Console - White Face SPG
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Diving Consoles

Miflex Tech SPG Console - White Face SPG

The Miflex Tech SPG Console combines a Miflex Tech Brass and Glass White Face SPG Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) in a Console Boot with a 75 cm (30...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Tech SPG Console - Black Face SPG
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Diving Consoles

Miflex Tech SPG Console - Black Face SPG

The Miflex Tech SPG Console combines a Miflex 52mm Tech Brass and Glass Black Face SPG Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) in a Console Boot with a 75...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch
Miflex Hoses
Miflex SPG Console - White Face SPG
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Diving Consoles

Miflex SPG Console - White Face SPG

The Miflex SPG Console combines a Miflex White Face Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) in a Console with a 75 cm (30 inch) long Miflex Carbon Black HD...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Twin Combo Console - SPG and Depth
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Diving Consoles

Miflex Twin Combo Console - SPG and Depth

The Miflex Twin Combo Console combines a Miflex Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) with a Miflex Depth Gauge in a compact, sleek and sturdy two in line...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Tech Brass and Glass SPG White Face - 300 bar
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Analogue Gauges

Miflex Tech Brass and Glass SPG White Face - 300 bar

The Miflex Tech Brass and Glass Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) with White Face is a compact and robust cylinder pressure gauge, which provides...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch
Miflex Hoses
Miflex Thin-Line Brass SPG - 300 bar - Oxygen
Category Path: Computers Gauges and Compasses > Analogue Gauges

Miflex Thin-Line Brass SPG - 300 bar - Oxygen

The Miflex Thin-Line Oxygen Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) is an extremely compact cylinder pressure gauge incorporating a safety-pin-type tube and...
Up to 2 weeks dispatch

The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
1/49 Peninsula Ave
Rye Victoria 3941, Australia
Commonwealth Coat of Arms
We accept Purchase Orders from Government Departments & Schools
P +613 5985 1700
E [email protected]
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